My Garden

These are a few images of how we started and where we are now in my garden adventure.

It is all built from scrap bits of wood found around the garden and other sources around the area. We measured and cut them so they fit within the posts of the fence pannels. They are screwed together incase we have to remove any of them at a latter date. I think that this a project that many people can do in any size garden with the price of large bags of compost been quite small now. This whole part took all of a day and half with lots of juice and sweets breaks inbetween.

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As you may have seen we had started to add plants before we cleaned up the mess we made. In the next few pictures you will see what it looks like when fully planted.

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And this is the garden with the greenhouse at the end of the beds and my bird house and feeders at the end of them all

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Update 24/08/2012

This is how our garden has turned out affter a few months of rain and sunshine and some TLC. Our tommatos and sunflowers have drasticly doubled in size and have turned out very nicely.

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